Using an Innovative Technology to Repair or Replace Concrete.
The Cenoplastic Ceno-amalgamation (the action, process or result of combining or uniting) utilizing patented technology with additional patents pending is a highly versatile formulation designed to replace concrete in a wide variety of applications. The Ceno-amalgamation utilizes >90% reclaimed plastics from the oceans and landfills and sequesters it into a strong concrete alternative. This means we can remove plastic pollution and store it in a universal building material.

Cement's Staggering Secret
The most astonishing thing about cement is how much air
pollution it produces. Manufacturing the stone-like building
material is responsible for 7% of global carbon dioxide
emissions, more than what comes from all the trucks in the
world. While architects and developers concentrate on the
energy used by their buildings, it’s actually the materials
supporting the structure that embody the biggest share of its
lifetime carbon footprint. Cement’s contribution to emissions is
especially immense because of the chemical process required
to make it.
The Ceno-amalgamation Solution
1. The Ceno-amalgamation is made using >90% recycled plastics from Oceans and Landfills. This removes the harmful pollutants from our environment and puts them to good use.
2. We are able to create a product that can challenge concrete in every functional way by using advanced materials in our product formulation.
3. Due to the Ceno-amalgamation's outstanding adhesion, it is also suitable as a repair for existing damaged concrete.
4. Cenoplastic has worldwide manufacturing capabilities with warehouses located throughout the United States.
2. We are able to create a product that can challenge concrete in every functional way by using advanced materials in our product formulation.
3. Due to the Ceno-amalgamation's outstanding adhesion, it is also suitable as a repair for existing damaged concrete.
4. Cenoplastic has worldwide manufacturing capabilities with warehouses located throughout the United States.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Ceno-Amalgamation was designed specifically for the SDGs. Learn more about the SDGs here.

No Poverty
Cenoplastic provides jobs around the world cleaning up our environment and building our infrastructure.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Infrastructure expansion and repair as well as environmental cleanup are necessary and empowering jobs provided by Cenoplastic.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The Ceno-amalgamation is a ground-breaking universal infrastructure product.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
The Ceno-amalgamation is a sustainable and indefinitely upcyclable option for sustainable city growth and maintenance.

Climate Action
Cenoplastic is involved in developing the network needed to immediately begin cleaning up our natural environment.

Partnerships for the Goals
The Ceno-amalgamation is a ground-breaking universal infrastructure product.
Cenoplastic is Available for License Around the Globe
The map below shows which territories are currently licensed around the world.
◙ Available Territories. ◙ Greater Licensed Territories.◙ Exact Licensed Territory.
◙ Available Territories. ◙ Greater Licensed Territories.◙ Exact Licensed Territory.